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Good Food, Good Friends, Good Fun

our story


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Who are we you ask? Just two sisters from Texas wanting to share what we miss most from home - fresh tacos at the neighborhood taco stand. Tin Roof Tacos sticks to the staples of a street taco: simplicity, size and most importantly, made from scratch. What makes us different? From BBQ Brisket to Baja Shrimp, we bring a new style of tacos to the table. They are not only unique, but you get more taco for less Dinero. Enjoy our wide variety at your own risk! You might be hooked from here on out. Thanks for dropping by!

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Join the family photo album.  Add photos of your good times at Tin Roof on instagram using #TinRoofTacos

family photos

Tin Roof Tacos is locally owned and operated.  Our food is prepared and cooked daily on site.
Our goal is to bring you and your family fresh quality products in a fun and welcoming environment.

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